Saturday, March 20, 2010

Recap Happy 2 Month Birthday February 17th!!!

Happy 2 month birthday Lacey Ruth on February 17th!! Gosh my love for you is indescribable!!! I wish mommy had done better keeping up with things this month, but since I am still playing catch up on the blog I am writing this by recall. We have had another month that has made our life better. You have been a different baby since Mommy learned to lay you down awake and kinda follow a "Babywise" routine. Life has been much calmer. I started this at the 5 week mark, but the last month also brought many travels so kinda hard to stick to the "routine". We had our first trip to Birmingham to meet your Honey's family. We had our first trip back to Mommy and Daddy's home town to meet your Sasha and TBonz's family and other friends. You are such a good traveler.

--You have not had as many visitors at home this month, you have been going to see lots of them though!! You have also made your debut at Daddy's ballgames several times!!

--You love your carseat, we can put you in it and you will just grin! You travel great as long as you are not hungry! Sometimes when I am getting ready to go somewhere shortly I will just put the carseat on the bed with you in it and let you stare at the fan until you fall asleep. When I am ready we will all go to the car!

Lacey and her Aunt Missy to be!!

Lacey looking up grinning at her Uncle Anthony!

--By the end of month one you were balled except the hair line at the back bottom of your neck had quite a bit! You don't have any hair on your back any more and just a little on your ears. I can see how new hair is sprouting up top and it looks pretty dark!

--I am still so addicted to your smell!!! I just give me chills to think and imagine the smell if we are not together.

--You only take your passy when it is time to go down or when you get up and a little fussy and I am trying to postpone eating. Once you are asleep the passy gets spit out!

--One of my favorite things as I continue to have many favorites is after I feed you during night or say early early morning you want take your passy. I swaddle you and you seal your lips shut like you are playing a game and you make these precious little noises and then just smile so big!!! It never fails this has happened so many times!

--Now that you are becoming more alert you seem to like your bouncy seat and swing more. When mommy has to shower and it is "waketime" I just move the bouncy seat in the bathroom and let you play.

--You still sneeze often and get the hiccups so much!! I have tried Gripe Water for the hiccups, but it only works at times.

--Your finger nails still grow like weeds!!!

--You have definitely found your hands and suck on them often!!

--You are alot happier during diaper and clothes changes.

--My favorite times are the mornings when you have your random smiles. You are so alert at this time. Our morning usually starts for good around 7 or so.

--You are sleeping about 5-6 hours straight most nights. With a few nights only about 3-4. This may be the growth spurt days.

--You are eating every 3 hours still during the day. You nurse for 5 mins on each side and you are done and content for another 3 hours. Man you are a fast eater! I love this bonding experience too!! I could not imagine having to give this up right now and am pretty emotional about it. I thank God he has allowed breastfeeding to work for us.

-- You are still loving bath time, we have moved you from just the little foam cushion, to the baby bathtub with the cushion down in it. If I was not worried about you gettting chilled I would let you stay in there forever!!

--The fan and light still grab your attention alot. You will just stare and make all kinds of faces. When basketball is on the big TV it never fails to grab your attention. Your daddy loves that!! I guess it is all the colors and fast action, the news doesn't catch your attention like that.

-- You still have episodes of gas and we will give you the Mylicon often. However, since mommy figured out how to tell the difference between a cry for sleep, a cry for food, and a cry for pain or dirty diaper...I have used the Mylicon alot less! Sasha has taught me to play with your legs and push them gently towards your belly and hold to help you "poot". It is pretty comical.

-- Your nap is about 1 1/2 to 2 hours. Your average cry when I lay you down is from no cry to about 6-10min cry. Sometimes you are asleep in my arms before I can get you to your basket.

-- You love to be swaddled, arms and all!! It is a precious site. Mommy has learned that when waketime is up, swaddle you, pat your bottom, sing a little, and walk towards the basket.

-- You are still little and wearing newborn diapers and clothes...don't want to rush it, but can't wait for you to wear some of your cute outfits!!

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