Sunday, January 18, 2009

My Heart Is So Tender

It has been an emotional weekend.
My precious friend Lauren had her baby. It all began Friday morning at 12am. Hudson was born Friday night at 6:34pm. Oh what a perfect and healthy baby. Praise Jesus!!! Lauren had a few difficulties related to the way our precious Lord made her but He was so faithful and carried her all the way through. I was able to see her today and she is doing great. She is blessed to have a wonderful husband and lots of family surrounding her daily. The plan is for her to go home Monday. I have pics from her baby shower at my house and pics of this precious new life, they will just have to come a later time.
Then my heart goes out to kelly and her husband. She is a blog friend I have followed over the last several months. You can go there to read her complete story. I have never spoken to her, I just came across her blog and her love for the Lord and her friends and family was so appealing. She had her "miracle" baby after trying for five years on Friday also. Kelly seems to be doing great, but Harper was rushed to Tulsa to a Children's Hospital. The details are on her blog, but I am asking anyone who reads this to trust that this family needs prayer. I truly believe God will show His faithfulness whatever the turn out.
This morning God was speaking alot to me regarding moving forward and not ever moving back in our spiritual journey. I know what to do and I know the desires of my heart, Satan just wins over and over again and I become so inconsistent. I was very emotional and I am very determined not to let this continue to happen. The Sunday School teacher spoke on trials and crisis and how God uses pain to make His purpose known. It is so important that we have a foundation built on his promises so that when crisis come we are prepared.
During the service because my heart was already so soft, a man in his 30's i am guessing went to the altar. You could tell he was so burdened, he is not someone I had seen at church before. With a short sleeve white tee on and jeans, not judging at all just trying to make the point that he looked new to the environment. No one was with him and no one acknowledge him. He just walked down, knelt at the altar, then got up after a few minutes and walked out the side door crying. My heart was just aching wondering what is he hurting over.
Lord I pray for this man right now. I pray that the people around him become aware of his burdens. Lord I pray if you are working in his life that you continue to. Fulfill the areas he needs fulfilled. Lay people in his path that will route him the right direction whatever his crisis might be, AMEN.
As I read blogs, women are so amazing how they make Jesus so well known to others. I am praying daily that I get to know Him more so that when other people are hurting I can guide them and give them the correct word of encouragement. Thanks for reading and letting me share my heart.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Happy Happy NEW YEAR!!!

On the way home from Christmas we planned a New Year's Eve Party for our neighborhood. I got the bright idea that I wanted to paint the back den since I have been disgusted with it since it was finished. is the before and after. BEFORE

Below just a few house pics before the party

BRINGING IN 2009!!!!



Catch Phrase
Jeff and Lauren are going to have a baby soon!!!

Landon and Kelley
Paul and Amy Jeff and Lauren
Garrett and I
Laura and Joe
Some of the men, don't they look excited!!



Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Lots of Christmas Travels!!

Well, Christmas was great with family and friends. We were all so blessed with good health and safety!!! Praise the Lord!!! We had a few days with my side of the family and then went Birmingham to Garrett's side. I am posting some pictures. Not a whole lot to talk about. It has been a couple weeks now so I am sure I am forgetting some of the random happenings. We got to see some friends and family that we treasure so much and ate a bunch of food so I am trying to get back on the wagon since I am feeling like I am suffocating!!!
This was the tree at my parent's house where I grew up.

Garrett and I at my parent's Christmas

Two of the MOST PRECIOUS men in my life, my husband and brother

Another precious man in my life, my DAD!! We surprised him with the USQUEEZE from Brookstone!
My Amazing Mother!!! Who I would love to be more alike on a daily basis!

In the two pics above my mom has been preparing for grandchildren!!! :) Some day in the future!!!!

The tree at Garrett's grandparents in Birmingham

Us opening gifts at Garrett's Family

A new thing was sitting around the piano and singing Christmas carols! That was and will be a precious memory! This is his mom's mother Shirley.

This is Garrett's precious parent's singing carols!

Garrett's brother tried to crack a joke and give him a sweater as a gift. The joke was the sweater came from a "Tacky Christmas Party" his brother had attended. Garrett caught on pretty quick!

Us preparing to fight the crowd at the mall the day after Christmas!!

We got to see several couples who we hadn't seen in a while, for some reason I just didn't get my camera out...I need to do a better job with that. Well until next year hope everyone had a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!