Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thankful For Our Thanksgiving Break!!

As I sit here on Sunday afternoon while Garrett is watching Titans game, tears are just flowing. I have always been an emotional person and I am so surprised the few times I have cried since being pregnant. I can't really put my finger on why tears are flowing right now, I am just experiencing a whirlwind of emotions mostly good, some bittersweet!
To update you on the latest progress I am going to go back a couple weeks..... My pregnancy has been out of this world amazing with no problems at all!!! Praise God!!! It has allowed me to continue working full time hours, for those of you that know I only get paid when I work, no paid time off for the position I am in. I have been able to travel, enjoy all of our showers, giving showers, visiting family, cleaning, really do anything I wanted to. So at my 35 week appt. a couple weeks ago I was told I was dilated to 1 and 20% effaced. He said I was good to go back home that weekend to give a shower for a friend. I went and felt pretty good. I could tell the car ride about got me on the way home as my spine and hips ached pretty bad. We were going to be faced with the decision to go to Birmingham with Garrett's family for Thanksgiving the following week. I was supposed to go to see Dr.Presley the Tuesday before and he said we would discuss it then. My mom just happened to be in town and went to my appt. Tuesday with me for no particular reason and my pressure just happened to be elevated. Everything else in his office checked out great and no progress had been made, but he wanted to send me over to Labor and Delivery Triage to be monitored for a couple hours and for lab work. So thankful God placed Mom there that morning, we just hung out as I was monitored, which allowed Garrett to just hang tight at school unless something occured that caused him to come to the hospital. By the time I was admitted and hooked up my pressure was already down, I kinda had the "why am I here and how much is this costing?" feeling. All was fine! At this point I am probably having some Braxton Hicks contractions, but nothing painful and she hadn't dropped much. The bottom line of that visit was no trip to Birmingham and no work for that week!
So Tuesday night started Garrett's Thankgiving break after a win over FRA. It was a bittersweet feeling, we wanted to see family and be with family, but to know I did not have the car ride ahead of me was wonderful. Everyone was so understanding of course putting Lacey's health a top priority. We just got in the mindset that we were really going to enjoy these 5 days of no agenda and remember our life is fixing to change, for the better of course!! But in a way that we will never have this feeling of "just the two of us" again. It has been wonderful....sleeping late, cooking breakfast, watching movies, hanging things, washing Lacey's clothes, putting together gadgets, organizing drawers, napping, early suppers, late night snacks, sleeping on the couch til 1 or 2am, then crawling in the bed to do it all over again the next day. Oh how I love my husband!!! And oh how God has blessed these last 4 1/2 years of our marriage!!! It is so bittersweet as I laid there last night thinking about today being our last day of break and school starts back for him Monday, memories played over and over in my mind and how much we cherish our "couch time"! I know that greater days are ahead!!! But choosing to be very transparent I can say I cannot phathom this love that people speak of that is just going to take over our lives, and probably safe to say he can't either. Saying all that to say that is where the whirlwind of emotions are because I would love to meet her tonight!!! We are so excited and so blessed that God chose to give this life to us so quickly, knowing so many people struggle to conceive and not understanding why. I also am filled with the conviction of knowing how days go by and I let time pass not taking the moment to realize how amazing the work of God's hands is!! I pray so hard to be a spirtual godly example to my daughter and to be that godly wife I desire to be on a daily basis!!! You can get so overwhelmed with thinking about tomorrow and the future and the obstacles and the what ifs, but I have to remember God is with me every step of the way as much as I allow Him to be!! I am thankful for this outlet to empty my thoughts and would appreciate any readers out there to pray as we make this transition into a family. As of today I still am not feeling much different, a little more pain in the groin area/spine..but not much action occuring. Trusting Gods timing is perfect and praying for patience and peace as I wait! Going back to the doctor Tuesday, will try to update our progress!!!

Thursday, November 5, 2009


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We Are Back!!! See Slideshow Above!!

Well alot has been going on and life is crazy!!! I am trying to get back in the swing of things now that our computer is in its permanent place and our precious arrival is coming soon! I do hope to use this as a journal for our life and hope our family and close friends enjoy it. Some days I hope to use to write about what God might have layed on my heart our taught me and other days I hope to share pics of some of our happenings. Hopefully I will be able to keep up and not wait 8 months to post again. I have been playing around on shutterfly and think I have figured out an easy way to post pics, slideshows, videos etc. This is a test below of some of my showers with some precious friends and the start of the nursery. Hope to update more soon! Thanks for stopping by and all your prayers will be appreciated in the coming months!!!