Thursday, February 18, 2010

Lacey's First Trip

Garrett called me one day from school and proposed the idea of Lacey and I going up to Knoxville with him to a DCA basketball game and spend the night on January 21st. I was just sick at my stomach, I wanted to be excited and I was so happy he was wanting to be spontaneous and take us with him. However, Lacey was not even going to be 5 weeks old yet. Taking her to a ballgame in a gym made me so uneasy. I shared with him my thoughts and he shared with me his. Usually his was just trying to make me see my thoughts from a different perspective. I just didn't want to make a irresponsible decision and our little girl catch a bug, when we would have been fine staying in. Well after her one month checkup and talking to different people I chose to go!! We had such a fun experience!!! We left Friday about noon, loaded everything including her moses basket and stand. She slept the entire way to Sevierville where we decided to stay the night, thanks to Pop for getting us hooked up with a free room!! We check into hotel and had a couple hours to waste. Lacey took a short nap and then we all took off to game.

Lacey playing on the hotel bed

People were so sweet and complimentary. Since this was a far away game there wasn't to many people that would want to see her. I wore her in a sling, to help her be a little more confined these early weeks.
Mommy and Lacey heading out

Her pretty blue eyes just sparkled as she looked up at those bright gym lights and blinked. She slept the second half of game. Then we went to eat with friends. We had our first experience of nursing in the car, it wasn't to bad. She was sooooo fussy at dinner, usually after she eats she is pretty content for a bit, but she just screamed and screamed. By this time it was 10:00pm, I felt like I had been so selfish to stay out, I should have already been in the room settling her down. Once we got to hotel she ate, went to sleep, and slept 6 hrs : ) . Saturday we took our time, checked out and headed out to the outlets to do some shopping!!!

She tolerated her Snap and Go stroller so well, just slept the entire time, it was such a gorgeous day. Lacey got all the goodies, we didn't buy anything for ourselves. We ate at ChopHouse and headed home.
Pooped after all the shopping!

The ride home was a little more eventful, we stopped to feed her when she got fussy, then on down the road she spit up and we had to pull over and change her clothes. We were so ready to arrive home by this time. Overall I was so thankful Garrett had this idea, we made it so good!!! I will always remember our first trip as a family, and I appreciate all the help Garrett gave me to make it happen without many mishaps!!

Mommy Needed Help!!!!!

The Thursday before we were going to take our first trip as a family, I was having a very tough time. Lacey had been held so much by all the family, whom I appreciate their love and desire to hold her. However, she then wanted Mommy to hold her all the time once everybody left. I was pretty stressed knowing we had a trip and I had to pack myself and Lacey for the first time. Thursday afternoon came and I had pretty much held Lacey for 36 hours except maybe 5 hours, which is what her little naps/nights added up too. For a while I blamed it on her tummy. I would console her, bounce her, give mylicon, ride her in car, feed her when I sensed it was time, and nothing gave her a long period of contentment. I was so sad, this is not how my baby had been something wrong? is it colic? what can I do? will she be like this forever? Wednesday night I had been an emotional wreck, knowing on Thursday I would be by myself for 15 hrs while Garrett was teaching and coaching. How am I gonna be ready to leave at noon on Friday??? Will I get any sleep so I can function?? Does he understand what I am going through and feeling??? Guess you can call it a pity party, but it was such reality!! So Thursday I tried the bouncy seat and she screamed and screamed, I picked her up and she was asleep in my arms in 3 mins, she was so exhausted. So I called a couple mommy friends. I had read the book BabyWise, but had talked myself into the fact that it was too early to let this little baby "cry it out". Well after picking up the book again and talking to these friends I decided I would let her. I told myself if after 15 mins she was still crying I would check on her. Over the next 2 hours, which was in between feedings, she cried off and on, but it was never for a straight 15 mins. Then I fed her and gave her the "waketime" BabyWise speaks of afterwards and swaddled her. Normally we swaddle her body only, but my mommy friend Kelley said "Leah try to swaddle her arms in", SO I DID!!!! AND SHE SLEPT 3 hours for the first time in 2 days only crying about 10 mins when I laid her down drowsy. Then that night she slept 5 1/2 hours where she hadn't been sleeping a complete 3 hour straight. I was feeling so much better, Praising God for those mommies and that book that gave me the wisdom about what I could do for my tired fussy baby. Friday morning, I fed her at 6:30, she took a morning nap til 9 while I got a shower!!! I was packed and ready for Garrett when he walked in the door!! I was so excited it was such a wonderful feeling to conquer a tough time, remembering God had helped me through it and given me my reward : ) . I was refreshed and ready for our first family trip!!!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Happy 1 Month Birthday and Checkup!!

Our precious baby girl Lacey!! Happy 1 month old to you January 17th!! It was the most special life changing month of mommy and daddy's life!! Lots of ups and just a few downs!! Sasha was here almost the entire month and all the other immediate family was able to come and go as their schedule allowed.
--You had your first bath at home when you were 5 days old...after the initial shock you seemed to like it, however you were still so sleepy from being jaundice. Sasha gave Mommy a training session on how to bathe a newborn! Great learning experience, Sasha is an awesome teacher/demonstrator!! I had to watch several times before I felt really comfortable. You have now showed such enjoyment during bath time. The lights by the mirror are your favorite!!
--Once you woke up you began to nurse almost every 3 hours like clock work, nursing went great the 1st month!!! You didn't have to take a bottle other than when you were jaundice and we were trying to get anything we could down you and when mommy and daddy had a date. I have loved the nursing experience so far, it is an incredible bonding moment and I am so thankful it is working out so well for us!! When you place those precious little perfect hands and fingers on mommy's chest while your eating my heart melts!!
--Sleeping was wonderful during month one, Mommy got lots of rest!! Sasha was your bed partner every night she stayed with us, she would sleep down stairs on the couch and you in your moses basket. She would text Mommy when it was time to nurse.
--You had several episodes of gassiness and we have learned to use Mylicon drops. Mommy has been able to pinpoint a few things that get to your tummy.
--Your first smile I noticed was on Christmas Eve when you were 1 week old, I know you had no idea what you were doing but it was the most precious thing I had ever seen at that particular moment.
--You are so easy to lay down, we rock ya and hold ya a bit and then just place you in your basket and you will sleep anywhere from 2-4 hours.
--Mommy has to work on just trusting God with your life, I was so obsessed the first month on checking to see if you were breathing.
--You are wearing all preemie clothes. Everything you have worn has been bought for you since your birth, Mommy never thought she would have such a petite baby. I can't wait to show you one day how tiny these outfits are!!
--You still have hair on your ears and back that is very noticeable and your hair on your head is still dark brown with the majority of it on the back.
--I am so addicted to your smell, it sends this amazing feeling through my body when I smell you!
--At 3 weeks you started sleeping in Mommy and Daddy's room by our bed in your basket. You began to get congested, so we added a cool mist humidifier and a fan. They both put out such noise that I feel makes you sleep better.
--You very seldom take your passy. Usually when you are gassy and right when we start rocking you to sleep then you just drop it.
--We swaddle your body, but keep both your arms out, you pretty much immediately through them up by your ears kinda like saying "TOUCH DOWN"!
--You haven't become fascinated with your swing yet. We have tried the bouncy seat out a couple times, it works okay for you.
--I can tell you like the light, but you still have your eyes closed often.
--Your umbilical cord fell off sometime around week 2, Sasha was here with ya and when we got home she showed Mommy and Daddy the surprise!
--Your fingernails grow like crazy Sasha has helped Mommy cut them several times.
--You are so cooperative when your other grandparents and family come in town that want to hold you.
--Your eyes get bluer everyday it seems.
--Your skin still just kinda wrinkles and hangs off some of your bones.
--Your coloring has turned out so beautiful once all the jaundice went away.
--You absolutely HATE!!! having your diaper changed. You cry so hard and throw your arms out to your side like your are thinking you are falling. You have done so good with your wet and dirty diapers. Both of them you have frequently. You are wearing Preemie Pampers until we ran out and NB Pampers seem to work, Mommy is not a Huggies fan yet.
--As I have said one thing or another thing is the most precious thing! LOL!!
For real I am in love with when you are in my arms dozing off and you get "HIVEY"? Granny says it is an old wives tale?? Who knows, but it is when you roll your eyes back in your head, sometimes you wink, sometimes smile, and sometimes get to laughing, all while you are sleeping.
I am sure I have missed something that stuck out at the moment, but these are the main highlights. Lacey, Mommy is so in love with you and have never experienced the feelings I am right now. So much fear that I struggle with letting go and letting God. A feeling that I am going to miss or forget something you do. A stronger feeling for the bond I have shared with your Sasha and so blessed to have each of your grandparents to experience this with. When I get to watch your daddy with you, I fall more and more in love with him!!! GAH!!! I can't wait till you can talk to him and tell him what you are thinking about him. I pray so hard ya'll can have the relationship I have been blessed to have with my daddy!!! I pray you always notice the love we show and feel towards each other! And my heart stays so heavy with such a desire for you to love me as I love my mommy. I am sure there will be days in the future, far to soon, that I am not going to be your best friend! But I will always pray that God will fill me with wisdom and discernment as I attempt to disciple you to be a godly woman, and teach you better by me learning from my mistakes. I trust that he will lay what needs to be prayed for in your life on my heart each and every day. I hope we can grow so close from the time you know I am your mommy, until the time we meet Jesus face to face. I feel so privileged God has given me you for this season!! And I pray he convicts me when I forget you are completely His, He has just loaned you to me!!! Gosh, having you is a dream come true.

This is a pic from Lacey's first bath at 5 days old!

This is a pic from Lacey's bath on your 1 month birthday!

Daddy and Lacey on her 1 month birthday!

"Its my 1 month birthday and I am growing so fast!!!"

Pop and Honey got to be here on Lacey's 1 month Birthday!

January 19th the day for Lacey's 1 month checkup!!

On her way to her 1 month check up!

Mommy and Lacey just after she has been weighed!!! She weighed 7lbs 3oz and is 20in long!! We are so thankful for her growth!! Mommy's milk is fulfulling her tummy!!! She gained 25 oz in 21 days of eating, Dr. Mehrotra was very pleased!!!

Dr. Mehrotra, Mommy, and Lacey after her first shot since her birth.

Ready to eat and shop with Mommy and Sasha after her checkup!!

Getting ready Mommy and Sasha to take her on a walk, it was a beautiful day!!!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Bringing in 2010 and The First Weeks of January

New Years Eve brought a new addition to our family!!! The most exciting thing!!! Anthony, Garrett's brother proposed to his girlfriend Missy!!! Here is a pic with them and Lacey on her first day home, wish I had a newer pic. We are so excited and thankful for this happening!!! We have prayed for Anthony to be led to the one God had waiting to be his mate, and boy are we blown away by His answer!!! I have always wanted another girl in the family, well now I have a great one!! They will be tying the knot May 9th, 2010. They have just bought a house and going through all the wedding planning. Can't wait to post more pics during their happenings!!

Mommy and Daddy got their first date night when you were only 2 weeks old!! We went out with 3 other couples to Demos'. It was wonderful, but we were ready to get home to our little girl!

TBonz and Sasha, the babysitters with Lacey
Lacey bringing in 2010!


The following pics are just some random ones from the first couple weeks of January until she turns one month old!!

Had her in her hat from hospital because we had coated her head with Aquaphor to help with cradle cap, hadn't had a problem with it since!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Great Grandparents and Other Visitors During Lacey's Early Days

I am very fortunate to have grown up with two grandmothers and three granddads. I have such a special love for each of them. My dad's mom remarried before I was born so I had her husband as a granddad to make my third one. He recently passed away August 2009 after battling lung issues for several years. My dad's dad passed away in 1999. I have so many wonderful memories with each of them growing up. My mom's parents have been married over 50 years and have such an amazing relationship. Their names are Geraldine and Charline she is 4'10'' and he is 6'6''! She is truly "one of a kind" in so many ways and he is known as the "gentle giant". I can remember when I heard him say "crap" and cried and cried because before that I thought he was so perfect, LOL!! My dad's mom is Wilma, she is precious and has such a kind heart. We have had many good times also and great conversations. Below was their first visit to see Lacey!
My mom's mom, known as "Granny"

My mom's parents and us, "Granny and Papa"

Granny and Lacey

My dad's mom, known as "Mawma"
Dad, Mawma, Lacey and I

***So sorry if you visited and your missing, several cameras have been used, we appreciate your visit so much and will try to get pic when you visit again. :)
As I have said several other times on the blog, God has blessed us with AMAZING and MORE than we ever imagined support and friend`ships!!!
"Coach Bertie" and his family, he is the Baseball coach at DCA, Garrett seems to have such a good relationship with all the coaches. I am so thankful for that as his wife.
Coach Dorris, another on of Garrett's coworkers/buddy. Kim his wife came over another time, didn't get a pic, he also has 2 boys.
The Nasons, who were in town from Memphis. Matt was Garrett's big brother in the fraternity at college and grew to be like a big brother to me. Our friendship is so special and I wish so bad our paths crossed more often. We didn't meet Tiffany until they were getting married, but look forward to being around them more in the future.

A very special friend Dale. We met Garrett's freshman year of college and our friendship has just blossomed. She was in our wedding and we did not see each other from 2005 until 2009 when she was passing through, however we did pretty good keeping in touch. Now we have learned we can visit via Skype!! Her and her husband, Michael are stationed in Colorado.

My darlin Heather! Her husband and Garrett are best friends and lived together in college. We have so many memories from the time they moved in. Our friendship has grown over the years and I am so thankful to where God has brought it today. All of us were in each others wedding and have continued to have times together, the distance and busy schedules keep those times rare. They live in Huntingdon, where she teaches and he is Middle School Principal!

"Kee" and Heather

My mom's sister "Aunt Judy" we have a very special relationship, she never had children of her own...until she married and gained 2 stepsons. Micah and I got to be her children. We have so many memories, especially in her single days, LOL! We just don't get to see her enough now.

Mommy, Aunt Judy, and Lacey

Matt "Valley" and Kortney, one of our couple friends we are very close to...they stopped by on their way home from Gatlinburg where they just learned they were EXPECTING!!! :)....In the mean time they have learned they are EXPECTING IDENTICAL TWINS!!!!! We are so excited for them and their days ahead! After just experiencing one newborn, I can't imagine having two. But I know it will be a handful that will bless their lives in so many ways. We went to college with both of them, however they did not become a couple until we were already married and out of college. Kortney and I got close over the years and she was in our wedding. We got the priviledge of both being in their wedding and have had many wonderful times together!! I look forward to future times with our little ones.

Lacey and The Valentines

Two families who have showed us such love and support during our time here in Nashville. The Pitmans and Johnstons. This was Lacey's first outing to the Johnston's for games and supper, she did so good. Some of them came to the hospital, but I chose to put these pics up instead.
The whole gang!
Lisa Johnston, Julia, and Lacey
Lacy, Colin, and Julia--The Johnston Kids and Lacey

Kim Pitman and Lacey

Mrs. Roney--DCA High School Secretary
Kathy(Garrett's coworker) and Christy Loftis
They were so sweet to bring us a meal and visit.